God spoke to us through our situation. God continues to be faithful and gracious, and that is a living hope we can cling to. We can trust God’s promises. When we feel insignificant and unimportant, we can remember that God’s opinion is the only one that really matters. We are all important in God’s eyes. We can trust our loving God to take care of us, no matter how impossible things may seem. Remember that, God can transform the suffering into strength.
At times, we may feel disappointed or ashamed at our brokenness. But in our suffering, we are being made strong. And that strength will develop a character that cling to hope. Our hope is not in circumstances, people, or even ourselves, but in the powerful and loving One who will never let us be crushed or lost in the storm. Believe that when our efforts fail, we can remember to put our trust in God alone, who places us gently where we belong.
Takaran yang baik terwujud ketika kita menyadari bahwa memberi dari hati memiliki upah tersendiri ~ Good measure comes when we realize that giving from the heart has its own reward.
Takaran yang baik itu bisa berupa perasaan sukacita dan puas ketika kita menunjukkan kasih kepada orang laon ~ That good measure can come to us as a sense of joy and satisfaction when we show love to others.
Apabila kita merengkuh dengan kuat iman kita, Allah dapat memandu kita keluar dari masalah dengan memberikan bintik terang untuk kita perhatikan ~ When we hold strong to our faith, God can guide out of our troubles by giving us a speck of light to focus on.
Menaruh percaya merupakan suatu proses untuk memberikan diri sendiri kepada Allah, untuk percaya bahwa Allah itu dapat dipercaya ~ Trust is a process of giving ourselves to God, believing that God is trustworthy.
Dalam keadaan – keadaan yang tidak pasti, Allah tetap setia ~ In uncertain circumstances, God will remain steadfast.
Sejauh apapun kita tersesat atau sebanyak apapun waktu yang telah kita sia – siakan sebelum kita kembali kepada Tuhan, Allah senantiasa mengingat kita dan memanggil nama kita ~ No matter how far we stray or how much time passes before we return to the Lord, God always remembers us, love us, and calls us by name.
Anugerah Yesus membawa kehidupan baru kepada kita masing – masing dan juga ke dalam masyarakat kita ~ Jesus’ grace bring new life to each of us and also to our communities.
Ketika Allah memanggil kita untuk melakukan apa yang tampak sulit bagi kita, kita dapat belajar untuk mengesampinkan keangkuhan kita, dan berdoa meminta kekuatan dari Allah ~ When God calls us to do what seems too difficult for us, we can learn to set aside our pride, and pray for God’s strength.
Writer and Copy Right: Dr. Appe Hutauruk, SH., MH. Lecturer, Advocate and Legal Consultant