That peace come from God, who has plans to prosper us and not to harm us. We are so thankful that the same words that gave the Israelites comfort thousands of years ago can still be a comfort to us today. God is always there, close to us everyday, but sometimes we lose focus and forget. When we lose our sense of God’s presence, We feel disconnected and trouble. But if we cry out, God calls us by name and reassures us.
When we are attuned to God’s power, we are amazed at what God can do. We are sure that we can trust in God because God is able to do all things. God’s constant presence gives us confidence to face our fear.
God is revealed to us every day. Because God is faithful, we can live confidently. Remember and believe that, time we spend with God in prayer is never wasted. With God, we can face challenges with courage.
Untuk menumbuhkan kasih Anda kepada Allah, perkenankan Allah tinggal di dalam pikiran Anda ~ To grow in your love in God, keep God in your thoughts.
Kegagalan bukanlah akhir bagi mereka yang mau memulai lagi bersama Allah ~ Failure is never final for those who begin again with God.
Tatkala hidup diselimuti bayang – bayang, pandanglah sinar kasih Allah ~ Every temptation is an occasion to trust God.
Siapa yang Anda sembah menentukan masa depan Anda ~ What you worship determines what you become.
Allah mengundang kita untuk membebani-Nya dengan segala yang membebani kita ~ God invites us to burden Him with what burdens us.
Bersyukur merupakan proses yang tidak ada habisnya ~ Giving thanks is a course from which we never graduate.
Perbuatan sekecil apapun dapat membuahkan hasil yang berlipat ganda ~ One little of kindness can have multiple results.
Uang adalah hamba yang baik, tetapi bukan tuan yang baik ~ Money is a good servant, but a poor master.
Writer and Copy Right: Dr. Appe Hutauruk, SH., MH. Lecturer, Advocate and Legal Consultant